Deadly Alliance

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Deadly Alliance

Guild forum


Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:10 am by Jazznez

Please put your name here so we know that the rules have been read and understood.This is the only way that i know you guys have read the rules.

Important Announcement

Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:14 am by Azzido

Well guys, I will make that post in case some poeple dont know what is about to happen or already happened to I will just post what Spermik administration posted.

"Great community of Spermik,

We have been all playing in this server together for more than 4 years. We all have seen good and bad times, we started with 10 people to 1000+. Nowadays we don’t have that much players due to …


Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:52 pm by Jazznez

Guild Rules
-Guild Bank
The guild bank should help us share the drops with the entire guild. So please if you find a good item that you can’t use for yourself put it in the guild bank. In exchange if you see something in the guild bank that is good for you – you can take it and use it for yourself (ONLY yourself, which means the char that have that can take the items, not alt and such). This way …

Guild Raid/Event - Mandatory Add-on

Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:05 pm by Chucknorris

Hey there guys in order to simplify event/raid planning i found this standalone working Event Manager addon that actually works Smile


If you have questions related to the setup please ask them here, or in-game to me!


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7 posters

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2009-03-09
    Location : A place of misfortune, Romania, a city full of orange, Targoviste

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  Chucknorris Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:28 pm

    Deadly Alliance DKP Page - Click

    UPDATED September 6, 2009
    Points per hour spent in raid/instances: 10 DKP/h + 10 if its successful + 10 to the raid creators
    Points per item brought in Guild Vault: Green 5, Blue 10, Epic 15 DKP
    Points per helping players: 30 DKP helping a player with a quest, extra 30 instead of 10 if raid/instance is successful.
    Points per guild events or chores: N/A depends on the creators of the event/chore
    *Amount of points and reasons to award points may change in the future Smile
    *Players must announce one of the authorized DKP handlers (Angeliz, Jazznez, Velen, Drogon, Astral, Chucknoris) if they did any of the previous mentioned actions to receive their DKP

    Hi all you Deadly players, i just want to announce that Deadly Alliance will have a new Player Reward System (DKP). In the next few (or not) lines i will explain what are DKPs what good will they do, can they be eaten and if yes what taste do they have and more!

    What is DKP?

    DKP, short for Dragon Kill Points, is a concept originally created by Thott of Afterlife, at a time where the only two raid targets in Everquest were two dragons, Lady Vox and Lord Nagafen. These points are awarded to each guild member as they attend a guild raid. The current DKP of each member reflects his or her priority for loot. When a member "wins" an item, they lose a DKP amount that reflects the value of that item.
    DKP allows for an unbiased comparison between guild members when decisions about loot are to be made based on attendance and recent items that have been awarded. That info is taken from and as it says its a raid currency but we will use it also as GUILD currency Smile

    What good will this system do?

    With this DKP system players are forced to be active in the guild, based on that they will receive points thus making DA a more active guild also players will have to check the forums to find out their DKPs and how they can get more.

    Can they be eaten?

    Only if the guild owners decide to implement DKP for food exchange.

    What do they taste like?

    If you get food.. it will taste like food.. if not.. lick your monitor and you will find out.

    For what can i use them?

    Players can bid using their DKPs on items during Raids and Instances, if they have enough DKPs they will basically buy those items.

    How can i get DKPs?

    Players will be awarded with DKP after completing guild tasks, bringing items in GB, helping lower level guild mates, initializing Raid/Party Groups (only if they manage to bring the party/raid till the end and not give up at the first wipe).

    Where can i find out how many DKPs i have?

    Players will be able to find out their DKPs by visiting the forums or via some DKP addon(this addon is only for a limited number of people, yet to be announced)

    *DKP system is still a WIP and info announced in this topic may change also if you have any suggestion please post it here. Smile

    *If you are not there please reply here with your ingame name!

    Last edited by Chucknorris on Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:53 am; edited 20 times in total

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2008-09-13
    Age : 51
    Location : Doncaster, England

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  Angeliz Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:52 am

    Sounds good to me Smile

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    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  Jazznez Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:48 am

    Same here.It sounds good to me.

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    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  alewx9 Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:24 am

    (Can they be eaten?

    Only if the guild owners decide to implement DKP for food exchange)

    Porposal: Change DKP's for high level buff food : ) ) sounds a little kidy but in TBC and NR food is ver tasty!!! Laughing

    Posts : 33
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    Location : romania

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  alewx9 Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:16 am

    (Fantina is a....)


    Last edited by alewx9 on Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  Kotrim Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:02 am

    DKPs would be cool, my guild on retail used them and everyone liked the system, it makes the loot more fair and prevents ninjas...

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-09-05

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  daedroth Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:32 pm

    yeah... it's a very good idea:)

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-03-15
    Location : romania

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  alewx9 Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:27 am

    (Drogon, Astral)

    As i know they are the same Razz

    Posts : 11
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    Location : Israel

    Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP Empty Re: Deadly Alliance new Currency System - DKP

    Post  drogon Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:59 am

    alewx9 wrote:(Drogon, Astral)

    As i know they are the same Razz
    yes they are, velen is also me (and zayad but he is not on the list)

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